Thursday, 24 May 2007


It seems from a new comment that there is an anonymous critic of this site who seems to positively leap to conclusions! One wonders if this has been penned by the same individual who made ‘mature and considered’ remarks in certain election literature about the threat of a “virus” being introduced into Fenland Hall?

Anonymous has left a comment on your post "GROVE HOUSE":

“I think the actions of anyone who ridicules the body to which he/she has been elected insults the people who voted for him/her and are contemptable”

4 years ago, the last Town council set up a working party to establish a Town Council web site. This could have included agendas for meetings, minutes of the ensuing meetings, and a bulletin board for residents to ask questions or report concerns and problems. The working party delivered its recommendations to Town Council, who duly ignored them. No web site. And still no web site.

This blogger believes that the residents of Chatteris have a right to know what goes on at Town Council. After all residents pay for Town Council !

I fail to understand which part of my Grove House blog “ridicules” Town Council. It merely records the facts. Readers may feel that the refusal to support Cllr Colbert’s motion of 6th March 2007 was short sighted and ridiculous, but that’s their judgment based on the facts I have published.

The suggestion inherent in the anonymous comment is that I shouldn’t report the activities of the Council, be they successes or failures. This is the philosophy of a totalitarian state, where freedom of speech is forbidden !

The many people who are regularly logging in, and who have expressed their support, need not worry as a bit of old fashioned, blinkered and reactionary criticism won’t silence me.

Walter Burnett is a pen name.


Anonymous said...

It's what you call 'facts' that bothers me. Your version is flawed

walter burnett said...

Dear Anonymous

If you feel that any of my 'facts' are 'flawed' - please identify specific item or items you think are incorrect and suggest an alternative version of events.


rob said...

It would appear that with every new font of information about the shennanigans or otherwise of FDC or CTC, the first comments to float like ordure from the bowels of the "anonymous internet" are those denigrating those comments or even telling (without a thought to free speech) people not to read the blog. I quote disgusted of March
"I've never read anything so ridiculous ! I've told everyone I know not to read it !".
Anyone for a bookburning ? Heil FDC.
Come on Anonymous , put you money where your mouth is.

Anonymous said...

Chris Howes
Fenland Liberal Democrats.
He is a Chatteris Town Counciler.
He 1s also Walter Burnett is a pen name.