Cllr Colbert has resubmitted her Grove House motion that was disgracefully voted out by the last Council in March 2007:
"Following the cessation of the education use of Grove House, Chatteris Town Council calls upon Fenland District Council to secure the return of Grove House from the College of West Anglia at a figure deemed appropriate given the terms of the sale agreement. Chatteris Town Council further calls upon Fenland District Council to return the building to Chatteris for the benefit of the community at nil cost to Chatteris."
As my ‘Grove House’ blog related, this motion endeavours to give Chatteris the opportunity to have our former building returned to the people it once belonged to - us ! Will we be thrilled to learn that the Council has astonished us by supporting this fine motion, or will it instead bury its head in the sand, ostrich like, and rule out the opportunity of regaining a Chatteris asset?
The fun starts at 7pm with an opportunity for the Public to speak - a few places in the gallery still remain - apply on the door! (If you can’t make it, watch this space)
Walter Burnett is a pin number.
Everybody knows who you are and I find it extremely sad that a man of your age has to stoop as low as to publish such rubbish as this, or am I suprised..... maybe I'm not following your recent childish behaviour over the last few months/years.
If you spent as much time doing something good for Chatteris and its people as you do slating all of the hard work that other town councillors have put in then you would have worked miracles by now!! How do you think Chatteirs Town Council coped all those years without you?? Perhaps you should take a trip to the local job centre, surely they could find you something to fill up all of your spare time.
If people really knew the facts about how much money it was costing them to fund answering all your pathetic complaints, (you must have covered nearly every town councillor and almost every distric councillor by now), I'm sure they would certainly think twice about voting for you. But hey, in the recent elections for district seat we all knew that the best person for the job would win....need I say anymore!! Why do you think Florence has been Chairman for so long, people respect and are supportive of all the good work that she has done over the years, you are pnly a newcomer so you wouldn't know half. conclude.. why don't you do us all a favour MR HOWES and go back to St. Neots where you came from, Chatteris doesn't need you. Oh no, sorry I forgot, St. Neots kicked you out too....for all of the same reasons.
Vitriolic, divisive, spleen-ridden, filled with personal insults. You have excelled yourself again, anonymous. Talk about kettles and black.
What really impressed me in your comment is the phrase "you are only a newcomer", a phrase so often on the lips of our "veteran" councilors. Perhaps all these jumped-up "visitors" to Chatteris should have their voting rights removed, leaving only those who still remember the docks up by The New Ship to decide what is right for the residents of Chatteris.
This is scandalous!
The uses for Grove House are numerous, from an alternative venue for the numerous groups within Chatteris to providing a Youth Club and/or Drop in Centre for the towns unemployed!
If, as seems likely, this is 'sold on' to private developers for even more residential premises, it would be a travesty and further proof that the local council ignores its residents, at least those who show an active interest in their own town!
I think the writer of this blog has made it quite clear in the blog dated 24th May 2007 that the purpose of these updates are to keep Chatteris residents informed about what is going on at Town Council. Since Town Council haven't bothered to make a website regarding agendas and minutes etc, this blogger is in fact SAVING the Town Council money by doing it him/herself, at no cost to the Town Council.
Regarding Chris Howes, if other Councillors did their job properly, not half as much money would need to be spent answering complaints would it?
Finally, I don't think it takes genius to point out to you that Florence Newell is no longer the Chairman of the Town Council and quite rightly to. I have found when corresponding with her about a very dangerous junction in Chatteris that she is uncaring, uncooperative and after a very rude phone call was made to me, in violation of the General Obligations section of The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.
So I for one will be following this blog closely to follow the actions of the Town Council that the residents have elected, as the Town Council simply offer no alternative (plus may I add, this makes an interesting read!).
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