Sunday, 13 January 2008


I was recently invited by a reader to provide an update on the Town Council’s endeavours to provide a leisure centre.

Until last week there appeared little to update. Having first undertaken a survey which revealed what everyone already knew - we haven’t got a leisure centre but all want one, the Town Council commissioned architects to undertake a feasibility study on providing an all-weather pitch and fitness facility at Cromwell Community College. This initiative was immediately derailed by the announcement that Cromwell was to receive £millions under the BSF initiative (building schools for the future). No serious planning could be undertaken until plans for a revitalised school were finalised.

But last week a truly remarkable and commendable letter was sent from the Town Council to the District Council. I have reproduced the agenda item and part of that letter:-

Agenda Item 9, Chatteris Town Council, 08.01.08 Leisure Facilities

1) A letter has been received from District Councillor Garratt (FDC portfolio holder for Leisure) following his visit to the meeting held on 8th November 2007.

2) In the view of your officers, the letter and tenor of his remarks when he attended the Town Council are contemptuous of the Council’s aims and dismissive of the efforts made to date in trying to fill the void in leisure service provision in Chatteris which is the true responsibility of his own council.

3) (we reply expressing) .... this Council’s disenchantment with the abysmal failure of FDC to become actively involved in the provision of leisure facilities in Chatteris, despite the current stimulus of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme.

extracts from that letter:

“The impression has been given in BSF meetings to date that FDC has little interest in managing a leisure centre in Chatteris in the same way it does in the other three towns”

“The provision of leisure facilities in Fenland and the management of the centres in Wisbech, March and Whittlesey has been the responsibility of FDC since its formation in 1974, including meeting annual operational revenue deficits. The burden of those deficits has been passed to all council tax payers in Fenland, including those in Chatteris, and now the Town Council feels entitled to ask why the District Council appears to be putting little energy into similar leisure provision in Chatteris as a fast growing town. The final paragraph of your letter “ I trust that my suggestions have been constructive and I wish the Town Council every success with developing leisure facilities in Chatteris” can be interpreted as condescending and indicates to members that you believe that the onus for the provision of such facilities in Chatteris rests solely on the town Council’s shoulders, ignoring the principal that it is FDC’s precept that includes a levy for provision of leisure services districtwide. Why all of a sudden is it the Town Council’s responsibility ?

Not particularly helpful have been comments allegedly made by Cllr Harper, as reported in the press last year, regarding the availability of money from council house sale proceeds and other development monies - “which could mean a leisure centre for Chatteris”. These remarks have only served to confuse the issue and suggest that the Leader has a different agenda and little regard for the ongoing BSF developments. If leisure facilities for Chatteris are part of the District Council plans, why has their been no real discussion with the Town Council, and why has there been little attempt to liaise at the proper level with the BSF ?”

“It is a constant source of irritation to CTC that various FDC cabinet members have attended its meetings and talked about providing leisure facilities for Chatteris - and that is all. FDC is responsible for provision of the leisure service within the district and to date has provided no tangible evidence, other than rhetoric, of its desire to deliver these services to Chatteris. Even now, with the advent of the BSF programme, FDC is standing on the sidelines, with no real involvement in the detailed work, as though it is nothing to do with that council. In fact CTC could be forgiven for believing that if it did not have £1 million saved towards leisure facilities in Chatteris, there would be no proposals for their provision at all.

In this respect, CTC would draw your attention to a Fenland District Council minute, of a meeting on 3 August 2000 and the subject was Leisure Management Contract Working Party (Minute 78/00). The minute reads thus:

‘”Cllr Mrs Newell stated that whilst she had no wish to prevent the Manor Leisure Centre (Whittlesey) being upgraded through the revenue contribution to Chatteris Leisure Centre being deferred for 2 years, she sought a commitment from FDC that Chatteris would not loose out. In replying Cllr Melton expressed the view that the approach being taken is sensible, and that it is till the wish of FDC that, in the fullness of time, Chatteris would have a leisure centre. He could not give an assurance that a leisure centre will open in Chatteris in 2 years time, but gave an undertaking that FDC will facilitate all means possible to raise the funding necessary to provide a leisure centre in Chatteris.”

On the face of it, that seems a pretty firm commitment - but where’s the delivery ?

Finally, CTC is of the view that, if FDC is truly earnest in its desire to provide, or at least assist in providing, leisure facilities in Chatteris, it should engage in formal and meaningful discussions with CTC, instead of standing on the sidelines “wishing us every success”.

I’m never slow to criticise Chatteris Town Council, but praise when praise is due. I must compliment the Officer in the strongest possible manner on this excellent and incisive letter. I must also acknowledge the Council’s resolve in voting to send the letter. Lets now hope that our 4 District Councillors start demanding in increasingly strident terms that FDC “pull their finger out”.

I also think that credit is due to the voice of opposition on Town Council that over the last 4 1/2 years that has battered and bludgeoned at their inactivity, so eventually achieving the position in which the small milestone of this letter which dares to hold FDc to account, could both be written, and actually sent.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

Strong words indeed. Well done to the CTC. But I wonder if it isn't just a case of mice squeaking at cats?